Regulation feeds corruption.


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How Modern Medicine Abandoned Healing

On American Thought Leaders Hosted by the Epoch Times.
The failures of our COVID response and the “gender-affirming” care model have made a lot of people question science and medicine in the West.
Mihai Nadin argues that science and medicine …

Posted in Anticipation, Media, News, Video

One Never Knows: The Age of the Fake—The New Normal

In: Leonardo, vol. 57, No. 1, pp. 52-56, 2024

Posted in Anticipation, Art & Design, News, Post-Industrial/Post Literate Society

Mihai Nadin: Disrupter of Science

by: Jonathan Church
In: Merion West

Posted in Anticipation, News

Disrupt Science: The Future Matters; An Interview with Author Professor Mihai Nadin.

TechBullion is a London Based Financial Technology News Website
By Angela Scott-Briggs

Posted in Anticipation, News

AI threats to 2024 election: The lessons we can learn from other tech breakthroughs

Progress at any cost based on data processing spells destruction unless we rein it in
In: Fox News Opinion

Posted in Anticipation, News

The Idolatry of the Machine

The Idolatry of the Machine
IN: RealClearEducation, January 22, 2024

Posted in Anticipation, News

Emancipate Medicine from the Tyranny of Data

Health Is About Meaning
In: RealClearHealth

Posted in Anticipation, News

Cult of machines and automation are incapable of preventing unwanted events

Can the world prevent even more bloody events? Even more expressions of hatred?
In: Fox News Opinion

Posted in Anticipation, News

Knowledge vs. intelligence amid the hype and hysteria over AI

AI accomplishments don’t qualify as intelligent, but rather as high-performance data processing
In: Fox News Opinion

Posted in Anticipation, News

Foresight AND Hindsight

Heinz von Foerster’s “The cause lies in the future” December 27, 2020.

Posted in Anticipation, Human-Computer Interaction, Mind, News

We are our actions. Would N.A. Bernstein Research BCI?

Was recently published on the book Bernstein’s Construction of Movement: Original Text and Commentaries. The article brings to light original contributions on human motion researched and published 80 years ago, contrasting older methods with contemporary brain-computer imaging.

Posted in Anticipation, Downloadable Articles, Human-Computer Interaction, Mind, News

Anticipation and Medicine

Presents the most recent research in Anticipation Science.

Posted in Anticipation, Books, News

Anticipation and Epigenetics

Anticipation and Epigenetics international conference to take place in the framework of the Anticipation Across Disciplines Study Group, May 2012, at the Hanse Institute for Advanced Studies (Delmenhorst, Germany).…

Posted in Anticipation, Books, News

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