Regulation feeds corruption.

Currently Browsing Anticipation

How Modern Medicine Abandoned Healing

On American Thought Leaders Hosted by the Epoch Times.
The failures of our COVID response and the “gender-affirming” care model have made a lot of people question science and medicine in the West.
Mihai Nadin argues that science and medicine …

Posted in Anticipation, Media, News, Video

One Never Knows: The Age of the Fake—The New Normal

In: Leonardo, vol. 57, No. 1, pp. 52-56, 2024

Posted in Anticipation, Art & Design, News, Post-Industrial/Post Literate Society

Mihai Nadin: Disrupter of Science

by: Jonathan Church
In: Merion West

Posted in Anticipation, News

Disrupt Science: The Future Matters; An Interview with Author Professor Mihai Nadin.

TechBullion is a London Based Financial Technology News Website
By Angela Scott-Briggs

Posted in Anticipation, News

AI threats to 2024 election: The lessons we can learn from other tech breakthroughs

Progress at any cost based on data processing spells destruction unless we rein it in
In: Fox News Opinion

Posted in Anticipation, News

The Idolatry of the Machine

The Idolatry of the Machine
IN: RealClearEducation, January 22, 2024

Posted in Anticipation, News

Emancipate Medicine from the Tyranny of Data

Health Is About Meaning
In: RealClearHealth

Posted in Anticipation, News

Mihai Nadin: Design, Semiotics, Anticipation

Disegno (, 6/02
Journal of Design Culture

Posted in Anticipation, Downloadable Articles, Human-Computer Interaction, Semiotics

Cult of machines and automation are incapable of preventing unwanted events

Can the world prevent even more bloody events? Even more expressions of hatred?
In: Fox News Opinion

Posted in Anticipation, News

Knowledge vs. intelligence amid the hype and hysteria over AI

AI accomplishments don’t qualify as intelligent, but rather as high-performance data processing
In: Fox News Opinion

Posted in Anticipation, News

Intelligence at any price? A criterion for defining AI

AI & Soc (2023)

Posted in Anticipation, Human-Computer Interaction

Brute Force Computation and Intelligence

International Journal of Computers, 8, 25-30

Posted in Anticipation, Human-Computer Interaction

To Know: The Intersection Between Anticipatory Action and Epigenetic Processes. God, Science and the Last Question

In Epigenetics and Anticipation, Springer 2022

Posted in Anticipation, Miscellaneous

Epigenetics and Anticipatory Processes: From the Empirical to Foundational Aspects

In the volume: Epigenetics and Anticipation, Springer 2022

Posted in Anticipation, Miscellaneous

Context: A subject more important than ever

Preface to the volume Epigenetics and Anticipation, Springer 2022

Posted in Anticipation, Miscellaneous

Changing The Definition Does Not Make a Vaccine More Effective

Archives of Pharmacy & Pharmacology Research

Posted in Anticipation

Anticipation Informed Design: A Workshop for the Invisible Studio at the Design Academy Eindhoven

Design is a form of inventing the future. In some cases, under the pressure of the market, design became problem-solving.
Google Books

Posted in Anticipation, Books

Cumpăna Ştiinţei, the translation into the Romanian of Disrupt Science.

Posted in Anticipation, Books, Downloadable Books, Mind

A Woke Moment: The Time For a Second Cartesian Revolution Is Now

LEAP2040 Laboratoire Européen d´Anticipation Politique
15 January 2022
Link to Article

Posted in Anticipation, Post-Industrial/Post Literate Society

Anticipation in Africa: A need or an illusion?

The possible future informs the present.
(with Dr. Cristina Stefan)…

Posted in Anticipation, Video

Disrupt Medicine

Journal of Biology and Medicine, Open Access Journal. August 11, 2021

Posted in Anticipation, Downloadable Articles, Post-Industrial/Post Literate Society

Foresight AND Hindsight

Heinz von Foerster’s “The cause lies in the future” December 27, 2020.

Posted in Anticipation, Human-Computer Interaction, Mind, News

We are our actions. Would N.A. Bernstein Research BCI?

Was recently published on the book Bernstein’s Construction of Movement: Original Text and Commentaries. The article brings to light original contributions on human motion researched and published 80 years ago, contrasting older methods with contemporary brain-computer imaging.

Posted in Anticipation, Downloadable Articles, Human-Computer Interaction, Mind, News

Reactia la crize: Prometeu si Epimeteu.Un epilog (Prometheus and Epimetheus – an Epilogue)

Sinteza: a journal for culture and strategic thinking.
Cluj-Romania: 18th of July, 2020

Posted in Anticipation, Articles In Romanian, Post-Industrial/Post Literate Society

Un-digitize sleep if you don’t want nightmares

Annals of Systems Biology

Posted in Anticipation

Aiming AI at a Moving Target: Health (or Disease)


Posted in Anticipation, Human-Computer Interaction, Post-Industrial/Post Literate Society, Ubiquitous Computing & Digital Media

Medicine, anticipation, meaning

Cybernetics and Human Knowing. Vol. 26 (2019), no. 4, pp. 9–31

Posted in Anticipation, Human-Computer Interaction, Post-Industrial/Post Literate Society, Ubiquitous Computing & Digital Media

Mona Lisa Looks at Us. And Smiles


Posted in Anticipation, Art & Design, Human-Computer Interaction, Mind, Visualization

Anticipatory Architecture

Perception-controlled interior architecture, supported by existing “smart” materials (mirror, glass, wrap, sensors), multimedia, blockchain technology, and virtual reality adapt to the user’s/inhabitant’s needs. Applications include living spaces for highly mobile professionals (neo-nomads), nursing homes, rehabilitation centers, hospital rooms.…

Posted in Anticipation, Human-Computer Interaction, Ubiquitous Computing & Digital Media, Video

The Adaptive Car

Functions that include anticipatory features can make vehicles safer and prevent accidents, adapting to weather and road conditions. They also “learn” the driver and adapt to his/her driving style and individual characteristics (e.g., age, health) …

Posted in Anticipation, Human-Computer Interaction, Ubiquitous Computing & Digital Media, Video

Engineered Perception Architecture for Healthcare

(with Dr. Asma Naz). Proceedings of the 12th ACM International Conference on Pervasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments, Rhodes, Greece, June 05 – 07, 2019, pp. 77-85.…

Posted in Anticipation, Art & Design, Human-Computer Interaction, LectAnticipation, Lectures/Presentations

Anticipation and Creation

Libertas Mathematica, 35 (2015), no. 2: 1–16

Posted in Anticipation, Miscellaneous

Emotional Qualities of VR Space

(with A. Naz, R. Kopper, R.P. McMahan) 2017 IEEE Virtual Reality, April 2017, pp. 3-11.
Piscataway NJ: IEEE Publishers. April 2017. DOI: 10.1109/VR.2017.7892225

Posted in Anticipation, Human-Computer Interaction, Post-Industrial/Post Literate Society, Visualization

In folly ripe. In reason rotten. Putting machine theology to rest

Posted in Anticipation, Human-Computer Interaction, Post-Industrial/Post Literate Society, Ubiquitous Computing & Digital Media

Application of Fuzzy Logic in Design of an Aesthetics-Based Interactive Architectural Space

International Journal of Applied Research on Information Technology and Computing, 9:2, 2018, pp.113-134 (with Asma Naz)

Posted in Anticipation, Art & Design, Human-Computer Interaction, Post-Industrial/Post Literate Society, Ubiquitous Computing & Digital Media

Architecture as Service: a case of design on demand (DoD)

Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing (with Asma Naz). December 2018. doi 10.1007/s12652-018-1147-y

Posted in Anticipation, Human-Computer Interaction, Post-Industrial/Post Literate Society, Ubiquitous Computing & Digital Media

Anticipation and Medically Assisted Life – giving – a Challenge to Reproductive Medicine

Global Journal of Reproductive Medicine
Volume 2 – Issue 1. July 2017

Posted in Anticipation

We don’t need more data to make better decisions

Interview in Nimirium Insights
#222 15/05/2018

Posted in Anticipation, Archives, Human-Computer Interaction, Mind, Semiotics

Machine Intelligence: a chimera

© Springer-Verlag London Ltd., part of Springer Nature 2018

Posted in Anticipation, Human-Computer Interaction, Mind, Semiotics

Redefining medicine from an anticipatory perspective

Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology (2018), doi: 10.1016/j.pbiomolbio.2018.04.003 Elsevier

Posted in Anticipation

Honouring the 80th Birthday of Professor Mihai Nadin

Comitetul Român de Istoria şi Filosofia Stiinţei şi Tehnicii
Romanian Committee for the History and Philosophy of Science and Technology…

Posted in Anticipation, Archives, Art & Design, Human-Computer Interaction, Mind, Miscellaneous, Semiotics

Anticipation 2017

Keynote Address: Why Anticipation?8th to 10th November 2017 the 2nd International Conference on Anticipation Senate House, School of Advanced Study, London

Posted in Anticipation, Video

Anticipation and Change—The Why? Question

Posted in Anticipation, Video

Anticipation and Medicine

Presents the most recent research in Anticipation Science.

Posted in Anticipation, Books, News

Semiotic Engineering – An Opportunity or an Opportunity Missed?

S.D.J. Barbosa, K. Breitman (eds.), Conversations Around Semiotic
Engineering, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-56291-9_6

Posted in Anticipation, Human-Computer Interaction, Semiotics

Reporting on Anticipatory Systems: A Subject Surviving Opportunism and Intolerance.

Autobiographical retrospective in recognition of major contributions to the systems movement. International Journal of General Systems, June 23, 2017 (online), 46:2, pp 93-122.

Posted in Anticipation, Mind, Semiotics

Rethinking the experiment: necessary (R)evolution

Journal of Knowledge, Culture and Communication
1435-5655 (Online)

Posted in Anticipation, Miscellaneous, Post-Industrial/Post Literate Society

Predictive and Anticipatory Computing

Encyclopedia of Computer Science and Technology, Second Edition DOI: 10.1081/E-ECST2-120054027
Copyright © 2017 by Taylor & Francis.

Posted in Anticipation, Human-Computer Interaction, Ubiquitous Computing & Digital Media

Anticipation and the Brain

© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2017
M. Nadin (ed.), Anticipation and Medicine, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-45142-8_9

Posted in Anticipation, Archives, Books

Medicine: The Decisive Test of Anticipation

© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2017
M. Nadin (ed.), Anticipation and Medicine, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-45142-8_1

Posted in Anticipation

Enslaved by Digital Technology

Interview with Roberto Simanowski in Digital Humanities and Digital Media. Conversations on Politics, Culture, Aesthetics, and Literacy, pp. 184-205 (Open Humanities Press, 2016, Series Fibreculture Books)

Posted in Anticipation, Post-Industrial/Post Literate Society, Semiotics, Ubiquitous Computing & Digital Media

Child Art: The Road to the Future

in News—A publication of the International Child Foundation.

Posted in Anticipation, Art & Design

Anticipation and Computation: Is Anticipatory Computing Possible?

Anticipation Across Disciplines (M. Nadin, Ed.) Cognitive Science Monographs. Cham CH: Springer. Vol. 29, pp. 283-339. September 2015

Posted in Anticipation, Human-Computer Interaction, Post-Industrial/Post Literate Society, Ubiquitous Computing & Digital Media

The (Almost) Impossible Task of Interdisciplinarity

Anticipation Across Disciplines (M. Nadin, Ed.) Cognitive Science Monographs. Cham CH: Springer. Vol. 26, pp. 1-15. September 2015

Posted in Anticipation, Post-Industrial/Post Literate Society

New Year’s message:

A Bifurcation called 2016…

Posted in Anticipation, Video

„Wer viel misst, misst Mist“

brand eins Wirtschaftsmagazin
Ausgabe 12/2015 – Schwerpunkt Geschwindigkeit
Link to Online Article

Posted in Anticipation, Human-Computer Interaction, Post-Industrial/Post Literate Society, Ubiquitous Computing & Digital Media

“Who measures much, measures garbage”

Interview in Brand Eins–December 2015

Posted in Anticipation, Human-Computer Interaction, Post-Industrial/Post Literate Society, Ubiquitous Computing & Digital Media

Presentation: What Is and What Is Not Anticipation

at the Scientific Retreat “Anticipation in Cognitive, Literary, and Cultural Studies,” Hanse Institute for Advanced Study/Hanse Wissenschaftskolleg, Delmenhorst, Germany. October 10, 2015

Posted in Anticipation

Presentation: Anticipation and the Brain

Conference on Modern Trends in the Neuroscience of the Human Brain, September 24th, 2015 at the Bekhtereva Institute of the Russian Academy

Posted in Anticipation, LectAnticipation, Lectures/Presentations

Presentation: Anticipation and Semiotics – One Cannot Not Interact

Presentation by Dr. Mihai Nadin at the Tartu International Semiotics Summer School, August 19, 2015.
Tartu Presentation PDF

Posted in Anticipation, Human-Computer Interaction, Semiotics

Introduction: Commitment to Knowledge

Anticipation: Learning from the Past. The Russian/Soviet Contributions to the Science of Anticipation (M. Nadin, Editor) Springer Cognitive Systems Monographs 25, August 2015, pp. 1-9

Posted in Anticipation

Variability by Another Name: “Repetition Without Repetition”

Anticipation: Learning from the Past. The Russian/Soviet Contributions to the Science of Anticipation. (M. Nadin, Editor) Springer Cognitive Systems Monographs 25 August 2015, pp. 329-337.

Posted in Anticipation, Human-Computer Interaction

From Russia with Love / Russian experimental and empirical contributions informed by an anticipatory perspective

Mihai Nadin , Andres Kurismaa
International Journal of General Systems
Vol. 44, Iss. 6, 2015

Posted in Anticipation

Concerning the knowledge domain of anticipation – awareness of early contributions in the context of defining the field

International Journal of General Systems, 2015
Vol. 44, No. 6, 621–630.

Posted in Anticipation, Mind

Can Predictive Computation Reach the Level of Anticipatory Computing?

International Journal of Applied Research on Information Technology and Computing, 5 (3), September-December 2014, pp. 171-200.

Posted in Anticipation, Human-Computer Interaction, Ubiquitous Computing & Digital Media

Anticipation – the underlying science of sport. Report on research in progress.

International Journal of General Systems, 44:4, 422-441

Posted in Anticipation

The Internet of Everything—computation past the infancy of computer technology

Presentation at the Wateringhole, January 23, 2015

Posted in Anticipation, Human-Computer Interaction, Lectures/Presentations, Ubiquitous Computing & Digital Media

A Theory of Change – The Acorn and the Stone

We exist because there is change. How do we account for change while being part of it? How do we account for anticipation as an expression of preparing and adapting to change?
Honorary Fellow Celebration Lecture at Hanse Institute for …

Posted in Anticipation, Mind, Miscellaneous, Video

Anticipatory Computing

Lecture presented at the University of Bremen, Department of Computer Science, October 2003

Posted in Anticipation, Lectures/Presentations

Quo Vadis Relational Biology?

The Reflection of Life: Functional Entailment and Imminence in Relational Biology, by A.H. Louie
International Journal of General Systems, December 2014

Posted in Anticipation, Mind, Miscellaneous

Nature: soviet pioneer

The pioneering work (1930s) of Soviet physiologist Ivan Beritashvili in spatial navigation in the living was ignored in the awarding of the 2014 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine.

Posted in Anticipation, Mind

Nobel Prize in physiology—ignored pioneer

Nature, November 6, 2014, volume 515, p. 37

Posted in Anticipation, Mind, Miscellaneous

The car that “ages” with you.

(translation from the Italian, Corriere della Sera of April 8, 2014)

Posted in Anticipation, Archives

G-Complexity, Quantum Computation and Anticipatory Processes

Computer Communication & Collaboration (Vol. 2, Issue 1, 2014)

Posted in Anticipation, Human-Computer Interaction, Ubiquitous Computing & Digital Media

Toward a Neural Network Theory of Emotional Influences on Creativity

Together with Daniel S. Levine (UNT)

Posted in Anticipation

The Intractable and the Undecidable—Computation and Anticipatory Processes

International Journal of Applied Research on Information Technology and Computing, vol.4:3, pp. 4-26, 2013

Posted in Anticipation, Human-Computer Interaction, Mind

Quantifying Anticipatory Characteristics. The AnticipationScopeTM and the AnticipatoryProfileTM.

Keynote addess at International Workshop on Next Generation Intelligent Medical Decision Support Systems, MedDecSup 2011, Tirgu-Mures

Posted in Anticipation

Miteinander sprechen—nicht aneinander vorbei.

Published in Annual Report, Hanse Institute for Advanced Study/Hanse Wissenschaftskolleg, May 2013, pp/ 46-52

Posted in Anticipation, Post-Industrial/Post Literate Society

Talking to – not past – each other.

Published in Annual Report, Hanse Institute for Advanced Study/Hanse Wissenschaftskolleg, May 2012, pp/ 46-52

Posted in Anticipation, Post-Industrial/Post Literate Society

Computational Design: Design in the Age of a Knowledge Society

Translation published in Landscape Architecture Journal, Special Issue: Digital Technology and Landscape Architecture, January 2013, pp. 38-48
Translated into Chinese by Prof. Yan Gao, The University of Hong Kong

Posted in Anticipation, Art & Design

Anticipation: A Bridge between Narration and Innovation

(In: A. P. Müller, L. Becker (Eds.), Narrative and Innovation, Management – Culture – Interpretation, Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien 2013, 239-263.

Posted in Anticipation

AnticipationScope ©

Keynote Address, MedDecSup 2011, International Workshop on Next Generation Intelligent Medical Support Systems, Targu-Mures, Romania, September 18-19, 2011

Posted in Anticipation, Lectures/Presentations, Mind, Visualization

What is and what is not anticipation? Issues of complexity.

ARS Colloquia ATEC/EMAC, March 6th, 2013

Posted in Anticipation, Art & Design, Lectures/Presentations, Mind, Post-Industrial/Post Literate Society

Quantifying Anticipation: the AnticipationScope and the Anticipatory Profile.

Fellow Lecture at Hanse Institute for Advanced Study, January 29, 2012…

Posted in Anticipation, LectAnticipation, LectMind, Lectures/Presentations, Mind, Video

Anticipation and Architecture

Good architecture is always anticipatory. This video was conceived for a class in the aesthetics of interactive media.…

Posted in Anticipation, Video

Concepts and Fuzzy Logic

International Journal of General Systems
iFirst article, 2012, 1–14

Posted in Anticipation, Mind

What speaks in favor of an inquiry into anticipatory processes? Prolegomena to the 2nd edition of Anticipatory Systems, by Robert Rosen, International Book Series on Systems Science and Systems Engineering.

London/New York/Berlin: Springer, February 2012, pp. xv-lx.

Link to GoogleBooks Site

Posted in Anticipation

Play’s the Thing: A Wager on Healthy Aging

Serious Game Design and Development (J. Cannon Bowers and C. Bowers, Eds.), 150:28, pp. 150-177. Hershey NY: Information Science Reference, 2010.

Posted in Anticipation, Art & Design, Mind, Ubiquitous Computing & Digital Media

Anticipation and Epigenetics

Anticipation and Epigenetics international conference to take place in the framework of the Anticipation Across Disciplines Study Group, May 2012, at the Hanse Institute for Advanced Studies (Delmenhorst, Germany).…

Posted in Anticipation, Books, News

Anticipar las consecuencias políticas de Internet: sólo una cuestion de poder

MAP Marzo 2012 – Una publicación cuatrimestral del LEAP

Posted in Anticipation, Ubiquitous Computing & Digital Media

Vorhersagen über die politischen Folgen des Internets: Es geht nur um Macht!

MAP März 2012 – Ein Vier-Monats-Veröffentlichung des LEAP

Posted in Anticipation, Ubiquitous Computing & Digital Media

Anticiper les conséquences politiques de l’Internet : tout est une question de pouvoir

MAP Mars 2012 – Une publication quadrimestrielle de LEAP

Posted in Anticipation, Ubiquitous Computing & Digital Media

Anticipating the Political Consequences of the Internet: It’s All about Power

MAP—Political Anticipation Magazine (5), March 2012

Posted in Anticipation, Downloadable Articles, Ubiquitous Computing & Digital Media

What is Anticipation and What is Not? Comment on Nauts, Metzmacher, Verwijmeren, Rommeswinkel, and Karremans (2011)

Archives of Sexual Behavior, Springer Online First, March 21, 2012

Posted in Anticipation

Antecapere ergo sum: what price knowledge?

AI&Society, February 2012
Springer London

Posted in Anticipation, Downloadable Articles, Human-Computer Interaction, Ubiquitous Computing & Digital Media

Rich evidence: anticipation research in progress

Special issue dedicated to anticipation (edited by Mihai Nadin) of International Journal of General Systems, Vol. 41, Issue 1, 2012, pp. 1-3.
Link to International Journal of General Systems

Posted in Anticipation

The anticipatory profile. An attempt to describe anticipation as process

Special issue dedicated to anticipation (edited by Mihai Nadin) of International Journal of General Systems, Vol. 41, Issue 1, 2012, pp. 43-75.

Posted in Anticipation

Computation, Information, Meaning. Anticipation and Games

International Journal of Applied Research on Information Technology and Computing (IJARITAC), Vol. 2, Issue 1, 2011. pp. 1-27


Posted in Anticipation, Human-Computer Interaction, Mind, Semiotics, Ubiquitous Computing & Digital Media

Anticipatory Computing: from a High-Level Theory to Hybrid Computing Implementations

International Journal of Applied Research on Information Technology and Computing (IJARITAC), Vol. 1, No. 1, 2010. pp. 1-27

Posted in Anticipation, Human-Computer Interaction, Ubiquitous Computing & Digital Media

A Science of Change

Concluding chapter in
To Live is to Change. Language, History and Anticipation
by Frederic Chordà Dedicated to the work of Mihai Nadin
Barcelona: Anthropos Editorial – Nariño, August 2010

Posted in Anticipation

Anticipation and Originality

Mihai Nadin, working with David Hodge and Hi Jin, suggests an understanding of originality that is driven by anticipation.…

Posted in Anticipation, Video

Annotated Bibliography: anticipatory systems/anticipation (Part 1).

Special issue of International Journal of General Systems, Vol. 39, Issue 1, 2010 with an introduction by George Klir.

Posted in Anticipation, Downloadable Articles, Downloads

Annotated Bibliography: anticipatory systems/anticipation (Part 2).

Continued from the Annotated Bibliography, Part 1

Posted in Anticipation, Downloadable Articles, Downloads

Games are US

from Social System Analysis and Risk Assessment Horizon Scanning – a 2-day workshop on the subject of exploring the possibilities available for anticipating social change.

Posted in Anticipation, Ubiquitous Computing & Digital Media

Anticipation and dynamics: Rosen’s anticipation in the perspective of time.

Special issue of International Journal of General Systems, Vol. 39, Issue 1, 2010 with an introduction by George Klir.

Posted in Anticipation, Downloadable Articles, Downloads

Special Editorial by George Klir to Mihai Nadin’s Anticipation and Dynamics

Special issue of International Journal of General Systems, Vol. 39, Issue 1, 2010

Posted in Anticipation, Downloadable Articles, Downloads

Anticipation and the Artificial. Aesthetics, ethics, and synthetic life.

Special issue on Ethics and Aesthetics of Technologies, in AI & Society. London: Springer, 2009.

Posted in Anticipation, Downloadable Articles, Human-Computer Interaction, Ubiquitous Computing & Digital Media

Anticipation and Risk – From the inverse problem to reverse computation

in Risk and Decision Analysis (M. Nadin, Ed.), 1 (2009) Amsterdam: IOS Press, pp. 113-139.

Posted in Anticipation, Downloadable Articles, Downloads

Anticipation comes of age (Foreword)

in Risk and Decision Analysis (M. Nadin, Ed.) 1 (2009) Amsterdam: IOS Press, p. 73

Posted in Anticipation, Downloadable Articles, Downloads

From early computer graphics to anticipatory computing – a journey that started in Romania

in Grigore C. Moisil and His Followers in the Field of Theoretical Computer Science (Afrodita Iorgulescu, Solomon Marcus, Sergiu Rudeanu and Dragos Vaida, Eds.). Bucarest: Editura Academiei, 2008, pp. 40-43.

Posted in Anticipation, Downloadable Articles, Downloads, Miscellaneous, Ubiquitous Computing & Digital Media

Gauging Children’s Athletic Potential

Posted in Anticipation, Video

Anticipating the Digital University

Third International Conference on Digital Society (ICDS 2009), Cancun, Mexico, February 1-6, 2009.

Posted in Anticipation, LectAnticipation, LectPostInd, Lectures/Presentations, Post-Industrial/Post Literate Society

Integration of Motion Capture and EMG data for Classifying the Human Motions

(with Gaurav N. Pradhan, Dr. Navzer Engineer, Dr. Balakrishnan Prabhakaran). IEEE 23rd International Conference of Data Engineering (ICDE) Workshop on Ambient Intelligence, Media, and Sensing (AIMS) 2007, April 20, 2007, Istanbul, Turkey

Posted in Anticipation, Downloadable Articles, Downloads, LectAnticipation, Lectures/Presentations

Anticipation: From Flies to Games to New Forms of Computation

Invited lecture before MENSA (North Texas Region), Dallas TX, November 28, 2008…

Posted in Anticipation, LectAnticipation, Lectures/Presentations

Analyzing Motoric and Physiological Data in Describing Upper extremity Movement in the Aged

with Gaurav N. Pradhan, Navzer Engineer, Balakrishnan Prabhakaran
International Conference on Pervasive Technologies Related to Assistive
Environments (PETRA 2008), July 16-19, 2008, Athens, Greece
ACM International Conference Proceeding Series; Vol. 282, 2008

Posted in Anticipation

Anticipation & Creativity

Video on Anticipation and Creativity…

Posted in Anticipation, Video

A Symposium: Anticipation, Time and the Virtual Experience

February 6th 2008: 3:00–6:00 PM
Hosted by the Rachofsky House
8605 Preston Rd.
Dallas, TX 75225

Posted in Anticipation, Archives, LectAnticipation, Lectures/Presentations

An Integrated Mobile Wireless System for Capturing Physiological Data Streams During a Cognitive-Motor Task: Applications for Aging

(with G.N. Pradhan, N.D. Engineer, and B. Prabhakaran), presented at the 2007 IEEE Dallas Engineering in Medicine and Biology Workshop. Emerging Technologies for Healthcare and Quality of Life, UT-Dallas, November 11-12, 2007

Posted in Anticipation, Downloadable Articles, Downloads, LectAnticipation, Lectures/Presentations

Anticipation & Aesthetic Inspiration

A video on Understanding Inspiration…

Posted in Anticipation, Art & Design, Downloadable Articles, Downloads, Video

Knowledge Media Design and the Anticipation Challenge

Anticipation in Knowledge Media Design, Knowledge Media Design (P. Stefan, Ed.). Berlin: Oldenburg Verlag, 2005, pp. 75-94; Second edition, 2006, pp. 71-90.

Posted in Anticipation, Art & Design

Anticipation dance game: score points against aging

Mind-Body-Soul Rejuvenation through African Dance…

Posted in Anticipation, Downloads, Video

antÈ Institute for Research in Anticipatory Systems

Website/publication dedicated to the science of anticipatory systems.

Posted in Anticipation

How can anticipation inform creative leadership? The need for a new perspective.

in Fü hrung, Innovation und Wandel (L. Becker, J. Ehrhardt, W. Gora, Eds.). Dusseldorf: Symposion Publishing, 2008. pp. 49-92

Posted in Anticipation, Downloadable Articles, Downloads

Anticipatory Profile: ETS, Pattern Recognition, and Dynamic Representation

Pattern Recognition. Amsterdam/London: Elsevier. Forthcoming 2007…

Posted in Anticipation

Anticipation as an attractor

paper presented in the framework of the session “Anticipating the Future” at Uplift Academy Workshop, Encinitas, CA.
By invitation only seminar on the Good Ancestor Principle, February 4-5, 2007

Posted in Anticipation, LectAnticipation, Lectures/Presentations

Should/could bioethics be anticipatory?

North Texas Bioethics Network, April 25, 2006

Posted in Anticipation, LectAnticipation, Lectures/Presentations

Is a Bionic Goalkeeper Possible?

Anticipation and Intuition (published in German), Mensch und Planung (Humans and Planning). Essen, Germany:PKK, 2006, pp 6-21.

Posted in Anticipation, Downloadable Articles, Downloads

Anticipation in Knowledge Media Design

Knowledge Media Design (P. Stefan, Ed.). Berlin: Oldenburg Verlag, 2005, pp. 75-94; Second edition, 2006, pp. 71-90.…

Posted in Anticipation

Can philosophy overcome its current ancillary condition? or Anticipation—the premise for a new Cartesian revolution

Mihai Nadin, January 2006, Philosophers’ Forum, Dallas, TX

Posted in Anticipation, LectAnticipation, Lectures/Presentations

Anticipating Extreme Events—the need for faster-than-real-time models

in Extreme Events in Nature and Society, Frontiers Collection. New York/Berlin: Springer Verlag, November 2005. pp. 21-45

Posted in Anticipation

Anticipation and Intuition

a new rational foundation for design, School of Industrial Design, University of Guanajuato, Mexico, April 15, 2005.…

Posted in Anticipation, Art & Design, LectAnticipation, LectArtDesign, Lectures/Presentations

A mathematical foundation for anticipation–what do we need?

CIMAT (Centro de Investigacion en Matematicas), Guanajuato, Mexico, April 14, 2005

Posted in Anticipation, LectAnticipation, Lectures/Presentations

Mihai Nadin On Anticipatory Systems

Interview in UBIQUITY, an ACM IT Magazine.
UBIQUITY, Volume 5, Issue 42, (January 1 – January 8, 2005)

Posted in Anticipation, Downloadable Articles

AntÉ Up!

Keynote Address, Computer Game Conference (cgc 2004), October 15-17, 2004

Posted in Anticipation, LectAnticipation, Lectures/Presentations

Reaction will not do. The Cause Lies in the Future.

Pell Fellow Lecture Series, Salve Regina University, Newport RI. May 05, 2004

Posted in Anticipation, LectAnticipation, Lectures/Presentations

No life without anticipation

Lecture presented at the Informatics Technology Center (Technisches Zentrum Informatik) at the University of Bremen on 18 February 2004. …

Posted in Anticipation, LectAnticipation, Lectures/Presentations

How do we explain the anticipatory characteristics of motoric activity?

Anticipatory Behavior Control. A Meeting of Specialists. Delmenhorst, December 13-14, 2003

Posted in Anticipation, LectAnticipation, Lectures/Presentations

Not Everything We Know We Learned

in Adaptive Behavior in Anticipatory Learning Systems.
LNAI 2684. Heidelberg: BertelsmanSpringer, 2003. pp. 23-43


Posted in Anticipation, Downloadable Articles, Downloads

The goalkeeper’s flash of genius before the penalty kick.

Presentation of Anticipation and Innovation at ECC Kohtes Klewes, (consultants for new business solutions), Duesseldorf, November 26, 2003

Posted in Anticipation, LectAnticipation, Lectures/Presentations

Can Institutions Anticipate?

“Technikfolgenabschätzung”, Nr. 3 / 4, 12. Jahrgang – November 2003, S. 144-148
by Mihai Nadin, ANTÈ – Institute for the Research of Anticipatory Systems

Posted in Anticipation, Downloadable Articles, Downloads

Outlook and Obligations, Digital Media Symposium

25 Years of Computer Science at the University of Bremen, October 9, 2003

Posted in Anticipation, LectAnticipation, LectUbiquitous, Lectures/Presentations, Ubiquitous Computing & Digital Media

Anticipating Future Realities

Meersburger Forum for Business and Communications (presented by Schindler Parent & Co., international consultants for economic development), Meersburg, Germany, October 1-2, 2003

Posted in Anticipation, LectAnticipation, Lectures/Presentations

Applying Anticipatory Mechanisms to a Changing Economic Environment

Meeting of the Association of Metal Industry Employers, NRW, 24 June 2003


Posted in Anticipation, Downloadable Articles, Downloads, LectAnticipation, Lectures/Presentations

Anticipation: The end is where we start from

Computer Science Colloquium, University of Bremen, 11 June 2003


Posted in Anticipation, Downloadable Articles, Downloads, LectAnticipation, Lectures/Presentations

Anticipatory mechanisms for the automobile

Audi, GmbH, Ingolstadt, Germany, 19 February 2003

Posted in Anticipation, Downloadable Articles, Downloads, LectAnticipation, Lectures/Presentations

Multimedia and Anticipation

Computer Science Department, University of Bremen, February 2003


Posted in Anticipation, Downloadable Articles, Downloads, LectAnticipation, LectUbiquitous, Lectures/Presentations, Ubiquitous Computing & Digital Media

Multimedia Publication: Book, DVD, Website

University of Wuppertal, January 2003

Posted in Anticipation, LectAnticipation, Lectures/Presentations

Anticipation -Integration of DVD and an Internet-based Knowledge Community

presented in the framework of Lernwelten der Zukunft (Learning Environments of the Future), Education Quality Forum, Dortmund, 21-22 November 2002

Posted in Anticipation, LectAnticipation, Lectures/Presentations

Anticipation and creativity – Why the sciences as we know them cannot explain creativity.

State University of New York-Buffalo, 9 September 2002

Posted in Anticipation, LectAnticipation, Lectures/Presentations

Anticipation: Directions for Applied Research

Innovation and Technical Analysis Working Group, (German Ministry for Education and Research – BMBF), Dü sseldorf, 10-11 October 2002
PDF (15.6mb)

Posted in Anticipation, Downloadable Articles, Downloads, LectAnticipation, Lectures/Presentations

Human-computer interaction: the need for understanding and applying anticipation

Computer Science Department, Stanford University, 23 May 2002

Posted in Anticipation, Human-Computer Interaction, LectAnticipation, LectHCI, Lectures/Presentations

Driver and car—a hybrid entity

Ideas for applying anticipation in the mobility industry. DaimlerChrysler Research and Technology Center, Palo Alto, 14 May, 2002

Posted in Anticipation, LectAnticipation, Lectures/Presentations

Soft computing and anticipation. Tools for a better understanding of anticipatory processes

Berkeley Initiative in Soft Computing (BISC) and the Institute for Cognitive Studies, University of California, Berkeley, 18 April 2002

Posted in Anticipation, LectAnticipation, Lectures/Presentations

Anticipation: why is beauty so important in nature?

Campus Conversations, Friends of the University, Wuppertal, Germany, November 8, 2001

Posted in Anticipation, LectAnticipation, Lectures/Presentations

How does the brain support anticipatory processes?

Jü lich Research Center [one of the 15 Helmholtz Research Centers of Germany], 8 October 2001

Posted in Anticipation, LectAnticipation, Lectures/Presentations

Trust – A Question of Anticipation OR Trust – Anticipation and Survival

Trust: Das Prinzip Vertrauen, [Trust The 21 Century and Beyond]. Proceedings of the international colloquium on the subject of Trust (Wuppertal, 16-17 January 2001), Heidelberg: Synchron Publishers, 2001, pp. 1-10

Posted in Anticipation, Post-Industrial/Post Literate Society

History and consciousness of the future

Anticipacion mental y caos, with a new introduction, Historia y conciencia del futuro
Historia Antropologia y Fuentes Orales
(M. Vilanova, Ed.; M. Ubeda, Trans.), 1:23, 2000. Barcelona: Publicaciones Universitat Barcelona


Posted in Anticipation, Mind

Anticipation – A Challenge

Memoria Futura: Kulturelles Erbe und Informationstechnologie: eine neue Perspektive?
Bonn, 12 December 1999

Posted in Anticipation, Art & Design, LectAnticipation, LectArtDesign, Lectures/Presentations

Anticipation – A Spooky Computation

Conference on Computing Anticipatory Systems (CASYS 99), Liege, Belgium, August 8-11, 1999

Posted in Anticipation, LectAnticipation, Lectures/Presentations

Anticipation – A Spooky Computation

in CASYS, International Journal of Computing Anticipatory Systems (D. Dubois, Ed.), Partial Proceedings of CASYS 99, Liege: CHAOS, Vol. 6. pp. 3-47…

Posted in Anticipation

The Cause Lies in the Future

Daimler-Chrysler Research Institute, Berlin, 17 February 1999

Posted in Anticipation, LectAnticipation, Lectures/Presentations

Computational Design: Design in the Age of a Knowledge Society

PDF – German
PDF – English

Posted in Anticipation, Downloadable Articles, Downloads, Ubiquitous Computing & Digital Media

Anticipation (since 1986)

Parallel to the pioneering work of Robert Rosen regarding anticipatory systems, Nadin researched the anticipatory characteristics of the human mind and anticipatory behaviors. …

Posted in Anticipation

copyright © 2023 by Mihai Nadin